What is covid- 19 ?
Acording to.h.o covid 19-is a very harmful desease for humans. 

covid-19 is a disease caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.

The WHO Frist became aware of this virus on 31st december2019 after a cluster Cases of viral pneumonia have been reported in Wuhan, the People's Republic of China.

all  symptoms of corona virus

coronavirus 1 symptoms is normal or high fever.

coronavirus 2 symptoms is dry cough.

The 3 one is Tirerdness.

4 loss of taste of tongue.

5 loss or loss of sence of smell.

6 Nasal congestion.

7 Sore throat.

8 Frequent headache again and again.

9 variousa types of red rases on the skin.

10 frrquent vomiting.

11 Chis and dizziness.

serious condition corona virus symption

When the people are infected serious coronavirus symption they did not breath properly,they loss his appetite,he is always in confusion,and his chest pain and presure, hightemperature.and other less symption- to become irritable,to be confused,having low consciousness,to worry too much,go into depression,sleep related diseases,etc.

When people of all ages are having trouble breathing.chest pain and difficulty in walking and fever

cough is experienced they should immediately consult a doctor, they should be contacted.

which people are most at risk of corona virus ?

Peope over the age of 60 are most at risk.Thouse who have high blood pressure.And thouse who have problems related to lungs.and people who have poblems related to diabetes, obesity and cancer are more likely to develop coronavirus.

But anyone can get sick with corona virus and can be of any age and can become seriously ill and die.

When and why should we test for corona virus ?

Anyone who fees that he has symptoms of a serious disease like corona virus he should immediately go to the hospital or any lab and get his corona virus checked immediately.And that person should not go near any person who does not have symptoms of corona virus.

which test should be done to know whether we have coronavirus or not ?

Us SARS-CoV-2 a molecular process is doneto detect andtest it.polymerase chain reaction (PCR)is the

most commonly used molecular test.samples are collected from the nose and/or throat with a swab.


You can protect yourself and others  by knowing the  facts. Follow  your local health  authority's advice.

The most relevant guidance for your region can be checked with your local health authority.

To  stop the spread of  COVID-19:

1.Even if they dont appear to be  sick, maintain a safe distance from others (at least 2 or3 metre)others.

2.Wear a mask in public when social distancing it's not possible to be outside.

3.Choose open spaces over closed ones. If you are indoors, open a window.

4.It's a good idea to clean your hands often. Alcohol-based hand  rub or  soap can be used.

5.It is your turn to get the vaccine. Local guidance about vaccinations.

6.When you cough or  sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with  a tissue.

7.If you feel unwell, stay home.

If you have a cold, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. If you call in advance, your healthcare provider can direct you to the right health facility. This  prevents the spread of  infections.